This summer, we have learned how to celebrate one another.

Our managing partner, Erica McHard, had the honor of being sworn in as parliamentarian of the Mississippi Association for Justice and will be working closely with MAJ’s new president, Brandi Gatewood.

Intern, Anushka Singh, was elected attorney general for Girl’s State and will be traveling to Washington D.C. to serve on the Senate at Girl’s Nation where she will debate and pass a bill to be reviewed by the US Senate.

There have also been countless other day to day victories at the firm. Our law clerks are both actively involved in law school on top of working at MMA&A. We also employ several USM students who are looking to excel in their future careers.

We have learned how to respect one another, use each other’s skills, and celebrate successes from big to small. We have learned to be a team.

How do you grow as a team?